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Achievements in Life and Technology Maze

Welcome to my blog, a space for learning and sharing insights in the exciting world of engineering! I'm Shahaf, an experienced engineering manager with a passion for leading diverse critical projects. My expertise lies in:

  • Spearheading SaaS product development and CI/CD implementations.
  • Mastering microservices design and collaborating with cloud vendors.
  • Fostering cross-functional collaboration through Agile methodologies.

I've successfully led teams of Full Stack developers, DevOps engineers, QA specialists, and product managers, ensuring seamless collaboration and project success. Unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. I believe in building products that solve real problems and exceed expectations.

Let's connect! I'm always eager to learn, share my knowledge, and help others achieve amazing things. Whether you're looking for insights on managing complex projects, implementing cutting-edge technologies, or simply expanding your engineering horizons, I'd be thrilled to connect and share my experience.

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